Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I cried those black tears out.

Okay my right eye fucking hurts like shiet.
So like I've got to update fast nd take a rest or smth.

Relative's simple wedding last sunday.
I had to be th camera person taking pictures.
Ate alot from th buffet. Ahahah.
When it comes to food, I shall be crown th queen (:
I especially liked th kueh-pai-ti. Yumms.

Then parents dropped me off at town for self shopping.
So like I bought stuff on impulse. Rarrh.
Walked down to Fareast.
Popped by BeadsPassion for th swavroski crystals.

I got new pumps as well ! I think they're pretty enough (:
Then to Pull&Bear.
Bought Jayne's present alr. Lol.
Met Weilun for dessert at 24hour before heading home.

Chinatown th love at first sight !
So Weilun accompanied me there on Monday.
Bought more charms nd chains hahahah.
I've alr spent over 46bucks on them al ):
After which we went to Plaza Singapura for lunch at Yoshi.
Then we got free toys from th arcade loll.
I left to meet marmi after her work.
Had Sakae for dinner ! Super yummy.
Dad fetched us home from there.

Tuesday was stay-home-all-day.
Except for going to Central for alterations nd dinner out.
Other then that, it was boring.

Met up with Cindy today (:
Omfg I missed her like so much luhh.
At first it was so awkward right ? Lol.
Then we started talking SO LOUD in th train.
At least everything between us are clarified.
That's a good thing to know lol. Yes girlfriend ?

So we headed to town.
Didn't get anything there though.
But we had chicken rice at Fareast ! Haha.
Snapped alot of photos too.

Then we took prints at Heeren !
Th machine was nice but th timer was too quick.
Yet th pictures came out pretty nice (:

Trained back to Bugis for more shopping.
Bought clothes for th new year.
Nd yes, my eye started to hurt so badddd.
Went al teary nd pained. Sheesh.
She caught a flu al of a sudden as well.
A horrible way to end th day. Haha.
Went home after that.

Th black kitty cat came by our doorstep again.
I had to lead it back down to th void deck.
With a cooked fish ! Omg loll.
Marmi brought more food home for us. Yay.

2 items striked off from th list ! (: