Tell me a story.
; Chener.
Why Hp not good ?
; Melle.
Macbook too expensive haha.
Need to get th Windows nd al as well.
; Denyse.
Okay haha, you're smart luh.
Urh. If take colourful laptops.
Next time might regret huh.
; Shirleen.
You're welcome love (:
; abc.
Hello, no problem.
It's from Mng.
; Ying.
Haha. What's V ?
; Guanwei.
I'm confused.
Why do you say Hp good ? Lol.
What you meant by overpriced ?
My girl, Ms Shirleen Yong.
Woke me up at 8.03am yesterday morning.
Omg ? Hahahaha.
She was craving for Macs breakfast.
So like I had to drag myself out of bed ):

Had th SUPER evms nd al.
Ate like a pig. Loll.
Then we trained to Tampines to walk around.
Meiyun, Shir's cousin was there.
Saw Gwenda with Valerie too.
Caught up a little.
After which I went off for work.
Met th two girls. Loll.
It was raining heavily, bad sales.
Ahkor nd Chee guan came down again ! (:
So we had dinner together at th foodcourt.
Thnks for accompanying me back to th inter !
Met up with Cindy ltr for pasar malam.
Horrible one though. Walked back home.
I've got smth else to say.
Unsure if you'd bother or not.
Or whether it's too late.
But I'm sincerely sorry for misunderstanding you.
Seriously. Right from th start.
I didn't know until th last minute.
I take back those awful words nd al.
I've deleted th tag nd th paragraph.
No more blogging about that.
My apologies.
Btw, you're pretty.
But I've never got a chance to say that.
Why Hp not good ?
; Melle.
Macbook too expensive haha.
Need to get th Windows nd al as well.
; Denyse.
Okay haha, you're smart luh.
Urh. If take colourful laptops.
Next time might regret huh.
; Shirleen.
You're welcome love (:
; abc.
Hello, no problem.
It's from Mng.
; Ying.
Haha. What's V ?
; Guanwei.
I'm confused.
Why do you say Hp good ? Lol.
What you meant by overpriced ?
My girl, Ms Shirleen Yong.
Woke me up at 8.03am yesterday morning.
Omg ? Hahahaha.
She was craving for Macs breakfast.
So like I had to drag myself out of bed ):

Ate like a pig. Loll.
Then we trained to Tampines to walk around.
Meiyun, Shir's cousin was there.
Saw Gwenda with Valerie too.
Caught up a little.
After which I went off for work.
It was raining heavily, bad sales.
Ahkor nd Chee guan came down again ! (:
So we had dinner together at th foodcourt.
Thnks for accompanying me back to th inter !
Met up with Cindy ltr for pasar malam.
Horrible one though. Walked back home.
I've got smth else to say.
Unsure if you'd bother or not.
Or whether it's too late.
But I'm sincerely sorry for misunderstanding you.
Seriously. Right from th start.
I didn't know until th last minute.
I take back those awful words nd al.
I've deleted th tag nd th paragraph.
No more blogging about that.
My apologies.
Btw, you're pretty.
But I've never got a chance to say that.
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