They might give it a try than giving up.
My goodness. I should blog more often.
It's not like people would be interested in my blog.
But I'd have to maintain it to be up-to-date !
Went to CHC with Lester on Sunday.
Lol. Th first time there, pretty awkward ?
So like th both of us didn't really like it.
We went out twice to chat.
Bought poiful nd meiji choc jellybeans.
Who knows he'd meet his ex loll. Stuff.
Then we trained down to his house, nd then to town.
Thai green curry chicken set at Wisma (: Yumms.
Went into Th Balcony.
A very lovely bar !
Omfg ? There's a jacuzzi too.
It's like right smack in th middle at th outside.
I had this cocktail, 'Sex on th beach' ! Not bad.
Walked around before heading to his home again.
Bus-ed back to whitesands to meet Jaslyn (:
We've got much to catch up on. Hahaha.
Accompanied her to her bus stop before walking home.
So like yesterday was effing boring.
I stayed home th whole day.
Partly because I was lazy to get out of th house.
I did ironing. Omg it's alot nd mothers are a nag.
Chatted with cheryl bestie (:
We had this minor telepathy thing ? Lol.
Syy requested some songs too. My dear friend !
I did some housework again today.
Went down to town again !
Bought red yellow blue stuff. Haha.
Then walked around Heeren since it was raining.
Met into Guanwei nd Zs at Nydc (:
So nice to see them after so long.
Thnks for lending me th laptop ! Lol.
Walked to Fareast to get th new bites.
I love fried mars bars !
Th original cheese sausage ( with mash potato ) as well.
Other than those nd spicy calamari,
I've yet to try th others. Another time ! Heehee.
Bought a top at Blossomz on impulse.
Th salesgirl there was friendly (: Oh wells.
On th train heading home, Gw made me a rose !
So sweet ! Haha. Thnks ya ?
I've never seen one before (:
Who knows I can put it to use on Vday.
Since it's made of tissue. Lol.
It's not like people would be interested in my blog.
But I'd have to maintain it to be up-to-date !
Lol. Th first time there, pretty awkward ?
So like th both of us didn't really like it.
We went out twice to chat.
Bought poiful nd meiji choc jellybeans.
Who knows he'd meet his ex loll. Stuff.
Then we trained down to his house, nd then to town.
Thai green curry chicken set at Wisma (: Yumms.
Went into Th Balcony.
A very lovely bar !
Omfg ? There's a jacuzzi too.
It's like right smack in th middle at th outside.
I had this cocktail, 'Sex on th beach' ! Not bad.
Bus-ed back to whitesands to meet Jaslyn (:
We've got much to catch up on. Hahaha.
Accompanied her to her bus stop before walking home.
So like yesterday was effing boring.
I stayed home th whole day.
Partly because I was lazy to get out of th house.
I did ironing. Omg it's alot nd mothers are a nag.
Chatted with cheryl bestie (:
We had this minor telepathy thing ? Lol.
Syy requested some songs too. My dear friend !
I did some housework again today.
Went down to town again !
Bought red yellow blue stuff. Haha.
Then walked around Heeren since it was raining.
Met into Guanwei nd Zs at Nydc (:
So nice to see them after so long.
Thnks for lending me th laptop ! Lol.
I love fried mars bars !
Th original cheese sausage ( with mash potato ) as well.
Other than those nd spicy calamari,
I've yet to try th others. Another time ! Heehee.
Bought a top at Blossomz on impulse.
Th salesgirl there was friendly (: Oh wells.
So sweet ! Haha. Thnks ya ?
I've never seen one before (:
Who knows I can put it to use on Vday.
Since it's made of tissue. Lol.
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