You won't know what's on my mind.
Omfg I'm awake so early ahah (:
I don't know how to maintain my cbox alr.
So like if tagged, I'll reply through my entries alright ?
You know, I feel so glad I have my friends.
Telling me what to do or ignore. HAHAHA.
Seriously, thnk youuu.
; Chener.
Is business IT fun ? I put business courses too ! (:
; 'Dying days of my life' or rather, 'the damned'.
I know everything ? Ha ha.
Thnks ah, I didn't know I was so smart.
Nd you know what.
Even if to you I'm a bitch, others might not think so.
; Beefy.
Hahaha. I just laughed out loud reading your tag !
I checked th dictionary, no such word. Frowns.
You called th person 'it' ? Loll.
; Jonne.
Th person's got a life.
Just most prolly bored of it ?
; Angela.
Hello babe ! Really huh. Haha thnks.
; Melle.
Oh you've opened blog once more ! :D
That's good to know lol.
Okay melle, I got it !
; Shir
Hey back my girl ! I miss youuu.
We're going out soon (:
; Jasper
Ahah. Sure, no problem. Thnks.
Worked only till 5pm yesterday.
Popped by over to Cindy's shop to chat.
Then went to find Jaslyn nd Geraldine at Suntec.
Bought my Auntie Anne's pretzel ! Yumms.

Oh we walked to Marina Square too.
Couldn't find any heels for cny ):
Saw th dark grey knitwear at Zara I've been eyeing on.
But I just can't splurge my moneyy.
Urh. Not now, when my financial status is low.
Creative's having sales now yanno.
Omg Zen neeon2 student's promo until 11th march.
Anw. We went into Quicksilver haha.
Got myself a pretty, new Roxy wallet !
It just came in as new stocks lol.
Contentment for th time being huh.
Trained back to catch a bus to 24hour.
Supper was very good ! Hoho.
Three of us shared th food stuff.
Indian rojak nd century egg pork porridge (:
Talking nd eating so much hahaha.
By then, it was past midnight alr !
Accompanied Jaslyn to wait for her bus.
About 1247am then Geraldine nd I walked back.

Let's catch up with one another pretty often !
Geraldine, you have nice muah chees :D
Thnks for today yeah ?
Nd very sorry for spending so long in choosing stuffs.
Jaslyn I know you're annoyed lol.
I'd better rush myself next time huh !
Can't wait for Kuishinbo, steamboat nd slumber !
Hahahaha so exciting.
Love you both (:

So like if tagged, I'll reply through my entries alright ?
You know, I feel so glad I have my friends.
Telling me what to do or ignore. HAHAHA.
Seriously, thnk youuu.
; Chener.
Is business IT fun ? I put business courses too ! (:
; 'Dying days of my life' or rather, 'the damned'.
I know everything ? Ha ha.
Thnks ah, I didn't know I was so smart.
Nd you know what.
Even if to you I'm a bitch, others might not think so.
; Beefy.
Hahaha. I just laughed out loud reading your tag !
I checked th dictionary, no such word. Frowns.
You called th person 'it' ? Loll.
; Jonne.
Th person's got a life.
Just most prolly bored of it ?
; Angela.
Hello babe ! Really huh. Haha thnks.
; Melle.
Oh you've opened blog once more ! :D
That's good to know lol.
Okay melle, I got it !
; Shir
Hey back my girl ! I miss youuu.
We're going out soon (:
; Jasper
Ahah. Sure, no problem. Thnks.
Worked only till 5pm yesterday.
Popped by over to Cindy's shop to chat.
Then went to find Jaslyn nd Geraldine at Suntec.
Bought my Auntie Anne's pretzel ! Yumms.

Couldn't find any heels for cny ):
Saw th dark grey knitwear at Zara I've been eyeing on.
But I just can't splurge my moneyy.
Urh. Not now, when my financial status is low.
Creative's having sales now yanno.
Omg Zen neeon2 student's promo until 11th march.
Anw. We went into Quicksilver haha.
Got myself a pretty, new Roxy wallet !
It just came in as new stocks lol.
Contentment for th time being huh.
Supper was very good ! Hoho.
Three of us shared th food stuff.
Indian rojak nd century egg pork porridge (:
Talking nd eating so much hahaha.
By then, it was past midnight alr !
Accompanied Jaslyn to wait for her bus.
About 1247am then Geraldine nd I walked back.

Geraldine, you have nice muah chees :D
Thnks for today yeah ?
Nd very sorry for spending so long in choosing stuffs.
Jaslyn I know you're annoyed lol.
I'd better rush myself next time huh !
Can't wait for Kuishinbo, steamboat nd slumber !
Hahahaha so exciting.
Love you both (:
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