It's hard to get it going boy.
I have th urge to do shopping again ):
Two days ago I had a dream that th train collapsed.
Yesterday there was an incident at a station.
So like I was late for work.
But th owner is very nice haha.
Saw Alena, Tiffany nd Ophelia (:
Bought earrings from there.
Met after work at Dhouby Ghaut.
Went to have Macs for dinner.
Then met up with Syy nd Jaslyn today.
Haven't met up for th longest time.
We left Tampines to go down to Bugis.
Shopped around (I bought nothing !) waited for Shir.
Bought th roses for them, so pretty.
I still have to get smth for Jaslyn.
She's not a fan for flowers supposedly.
Lol. Chocolates ? Burgers ?
Went to open th shop at 3pm.
They were stunned. Haha.
I know th shop's effing lousy luhh.
Had ice milo nd hockeypokey muffin ! Yumms.
Finished at 9pm nd th owner sold me th bag (:
I wanted it cheap cheap !
Gave me at only $15 when I sold th other at$24.90 $22.
Not bad right ? Hahaha.
Oh yeah, Cindy nd I wore th same top too !
Just in different shade of green.
Did some stuff after that.
Why so nice ? ): Don't know.
Marmi called al of a sudden to pick me home.
Nagged a hell lot.
Did th housework alr. Bathed.
Used th laptop nd house phone to chat.
Who knows she just leaned onto my room door ?
Wtf luhh. Purposely.
So I told her it's obvious I noticed.
Embarrassing shiet. What kind of parent is this.
I'm not surprised if she picked up th other line.
Can't I have my personal privacy ?
Work again tomorrow 3-9pm.
Might dine-out again. Or should I go home early.
Two days ago I had a dream that th train collapsed.
Yesterday there was an incident at a station.
So like I was late for work.
But th owner is very nice haha.
Saw Alena, Tiffany nd Ophelia (:
Met after work at Dhouby Ghaut.
Went to have Macs for dinner.
Then met up with Syy nd Jaslyn today.
Haven't met up for th longest time.
We left Tampines to go down to Bugis.
Shopped around (I bought nothing !) waited for Shir.
I still have to get smth for Jaslyn.
She's not a fan for flowers supposedly.
Lol. Chocolates ? Burgers ?
They were stunned. Haha.
I know th shop's effing lousy luhh.
Had ice milo nd hockeypokey muffin ! Yumms.
Finished at 9pm nd th owner sold me th bag (:
Gave me at only $15 when I sold th other at
Not bad right ? Hahaha.
Oh yeah, Cindy nd I wore th same top too !
Just in different shade of green.
Did some stuff after that.
Why so nice ? ): Don't know.
Marmi called al of a sudden to pick me home.
Nagged a hell lot.
Did th housework alr. Bathed.
Used th laptop nd house phone to chat.
Who knows she just leaned onto my room door ?
Wtf luhh. Purposely.
So I told her it's obvious I noticed.
Embarrassing shiet. What kind of parent is this.
I'm not surprised if she picked up th other line.
Can't I have my personal privacy ?
Work again tomorrow 3-9pm.
Might dine-out again. Or should I go home early.
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