Drunk me in those barcardi shakes.
Had nausea yesterday before I woke up.
Puked thrice ):
It was so bad I felt weak, perspiring nd tearing.
Had diarhoea too. Don't laugh.
On th third account, I couldn't hold it.
So like I vomited over th parque floor.
Marmi came into my room nd got a shock ?
She went to th living room nd told my dad.
"Li ye zha bo kia tor leh ! Mm zai zuo see mi wa ko."
"Lim jiu ah ?"
(Your daughter vomited leh ! Don't know do what.)
(Drink beer ah ?)
Sheesh. Wtf ? Such crap.
So anw. Went to th temple at Bedok.
San Qing Gong.
After which we prata-ed nearby.
Then they dropped me off at Shir's place.
Meet up with my girl nd cindy (:
Took pictures together nd played cards.

Cindy with her awkward smile. Heehee.
Act 'ahlians' take no. 1 ! Lol.
Here's th super fun pose of mine. HAHA wtf.

Went to a another temple at Bedok for awhile.
Trained down to th Cathay.
Caught th movie 'Norbit'. Haha !
It's quite interesting. Funny ;)
Then went home.
For today afternoon.
Went to Parkway's Kbox with Shir (:
We had quite a time singing nd eating there.

Trained home after.
My eye's hurting very badly ):
It's teary, pained nd red ya ? Eee.
[Edit 1:51am]
Omfg. I just cut my left little finger.
It's like I was holding th cup when th handle burst.
Too much stress/pressure ?
Puked thrice ):
It was so bad I felt weak, perspiring nd tearing.
Had diarhoea too. Don't laugh.
On th third account, I couldn't hold it.
So like I vomited over th parque floor.
Marmi came into my room nd got a shock ?
She went to th living room nd told my dad.
"Li ye zha bo kia tor leh ! Mm zai zuo see mi wa ko."
"Lim jiu ah ?"
(Your daughter vomited leh ! Don't know do what.)
(Drink beer ah ?)
Sheesh. Wtf ? Such crap.
So anw. Went to th temple at Bedok.
San Qing Gong.
After which we prata-ed nearby.
Then they dropped me off at Shir's place.
Meet up with my girl nd cindy (:
Took pictures together nd played cards.

Trained down to th Cathay.
Caught th movie 'Norbit'. Haha !
It's quite interesting. Funny ;)
Then went home.
For today afternoon.
Went to Parkway's Kbox with Shir (:
We had quite a time singing nd eating there.

My eye's hurting very badly ):
It's teary, pained nd red ya ? Eee.
[Edit 1:51am]
Omfg. I just cut my left little finger.
It's like I was holding th cup when th handle burst.
Too much stress/pressure ?
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