He was just another pretty face.
Went down to town to meet Syy nd Shir.
Bought Chippy's fried mars bars nd tripleC.
Then she had to leave for her family dinner.
So my girl nd I walked around Wisma before going to Bugis.
Passed th owner th lock for th shop.
Helped him to tend to one customer.
Then he passed me a red packet nd mandarin oranges.
Omg he's like th nicest boss I've met so far !
After which both of us continued shopping around.
But it was like a fruitless one ?
I did not buy ANYTHING at al loll.
Jayne nd Bertha came to find us at Parco.
Oh man, I miss her so much ! (:
Took pictures n chatted for awhile.
Met into Nicole Chai at Topshop too.
Then we went back to Tampines to get stuffs.
Ate oyster mee sua nd XXL chicken at Shilin's.
Th people there are super friendly !
They gave us extra red packets to bring home, omg.
Hahaha, funny stuff ;)
Sent Shir to her bus stop.
Didn't have enough time to share with her smth.
She was like sending me a song via bluetooth.
But it got disconnected when her bus left.
Lol. Sad case luhh.
; Denyse.
YES ! Let's hope bigg haha. Sure will.
Update me about yours too okay ?
; for u.
Urh. Can I ask u smth.
I just keep thinking.
Do I like know you personally/well ?
Nd sorry but, what is yaya-ing.
I've never heard of it.
Excuse me 'Taking it back'.
You suck too.
Because somehow you mistook.
Beefy's referring to MY DEAR FRIEND.
I don't need you to pity me, you fuck.
Nd don't call my friends blind when they're not.
For 'haha', you should grow up too.
You're being immature doing al this.
If you didn't know.
Haha I have some trouble with haloscan.
Guess I'll just stick to this yeah.
Oh yes ! When would you be free btw ?
We've been thinking of having a Kuishinbo outing !
Is is alright girl ?
; Guanwei.
Why not ? Ahah.
; Geraldine.
No problem ! We can have them often at th 24hour.
Hahahaha. Meet up soon again ya !
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